
Bulk etch rate
Etching Parameters
Etching Temperature
Cellulose Nitrate LR-115 Detector


Abstract In the present work, the variation of the bulk etch rate and some other etching parameters, such as removed active-layer thickness, track growing rate, track etch rate with etching temperature is measured for the solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) LR-115 type 2. The mass difference method is used to measure the bulk etch rate and then the removed active-layer thickness during etching with 2.5 N aqueous solution of NaOH as the etchant at etching temperatures 70, 60 and 50°C. Two empirical relationships are derived to calculate the removed active-layer thicknesses and the tracks diameters at any etching time with temperatures as a parameter between (50-70°C), [i.e. h(T,t) and D(T,t)]. The V function (sensitivity), etching efficiency η, critical angle θcrt, and the corresponding activation energies for both the bulk etch rate Vb and the track etch rate Vt are also calculated. The measured and calculated results are in good agreement with those reported in the literature.