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الكلمات المفتاحية

vanadium V2+
Jahn Teller effect


To evaluate the energy level for Vanadium ion in GaAs: V2+ the ground term has determined (4F). Using the concepts of isomorphism on orbital states for the ground term of GaAs: V2+ where the states are described by fictitious orbits of L'=0, T=1/2 & L'=1, the matrix elements for spin Hamiltonion and effective Hamiltonion are calculated and comparing /J,M,/ and /Mi, Ms/ for J=5/2, L'=1&S=3/2. Our results shows that V2+ displacement affected by e and t2 vibrational modes with T * e and T* t2 Jahn Teller effect rather than T*(t2+e) Jahn Teller effect
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