According to the biological and industrail importance of Schiff bases compounds , a new simple and accurate UV spectrophotometric method was established for the studied and determination of the Schiff bases compounds formed from the reaction between aromatic aldehydes compounds and P-toluenesulphonamide , depending on the zero and fourth derivative mode techniques . The zeroth and fourth order derivative spectra of the Schiff bases : [benzylidine (compound I) , 3, 4 – dimethoxybenzylidine (compound II) and 2 ,6 – dichorobenzylidine (compound III)] p-toluenesulphonamid , were recorded in absolute ethanol for series of different concentration solutions . The calibration curves were ploted which result in astraight lines obeying Beers – Lambert law with R2 values and R.S.D for compound I . II and III . These values indicate that these techniques having good sensitivity and precision for the quantification of these Schiff bases .